An invitation to BraveSpace
I invite you to create BraveSpace for yourselves and others over the next month. I have created a private facebook group to connect us in an experiment of embodied authenticity and vulnerability. I’ll be working with a group of courageous souls here in Boise to break down the constituent elements, principles, and purpose of BraveSpace. Over this month I’d like to share with you what we’re doing and invite you into this individual and communal experiment.
We are social beings, constantly monitoring ourselves to stay within social norms. This benefits us in creating a relatively orderly society. It also maintains power structures that don’t necessarily serve our individual or collective well-being. We perform these social roles in our bodies: I remember when I first consciously stopped slouching 23 years ago how much I had to grapple with a sense that sitting up tall represented a social status I didn’t feel. Sitting up actually felt egotistical, yet my slouching was of no benefit to anyone.
Our ability to engage with our bodies’ intrinsic sensitivity and intelligence can be a revolutionary act. Through somatic attunement we can circumnavigate power structures that otherwise dominate our bodies and consciousness without our consent. We can perceive choices and opportunities we would otherwise miss. To move freely is courageous, and when we’re willing to play in the pleasures and discomforts of moving with feeling we create Brave Space for ourselves. When we do so vulnerably and generously—allowing ourselves to be seen in our freedom without controlling others—then the Brave Space we hold expands beyond our selves. Our actions can only be generous when they do not constrict or act upon others who cannot or have not offered their consent.
The short of it: Dance for others, and do not insist that they watch you.