Everything in life happens in phrases—a beginning, a middle, and an end.  This is true of every breath, every sentence, and every dance.  Dancing with others, whether touching or not, is a fantastic opportunity to discover our own phrasing and to own it gracefully and respectfully.  In dance we consistently reposition ourselves in relationship with others and our world. 
Repositioning is how we negotiate consent non-verbally.  So long as we don’t freeze in a fear or trauma response, our bodies are very good at moving in relation to what we do or don’t want to be near in any moment.  We can make this process conscious and practice it if we wish to shift our patterns, heal what isn’t serving us, or better recognize what others are communicating.  Every dance has an end.  When is it?  How do we know?  Check out this video where my friend Kelsey and I dive into the mystery of getting into and out of dances.


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