I have a great interest in how we learn to embody affirmations. My Physical Freedom Method affirms that we are supported, and that we are at home in our bodies. Gravity and our contact with Earth literally support us; intentionally experimenting with that connection provides the direct sensation of being supported. We can practice feeling supported. Similarly, we can practice feeling at home in our bodies because we are literally indigenous to them—we naturally occur there. We may not always feel at home in our bodies, just like we may not always feel supported, but if we practice noticing eventually we will get there. These sorts of affirmations work for me because I can test them—practice reliably helps me feel these things. In contrast to embodied affirmations such as these, repeating an affirmation I don’t truly believe, and which I can’t test, causes me to become even more skeptical.
My latest project in embodied affirmation has been “I am not alone.” I’ve tried a few takes on it. One has been to notice all the different parts of myself, physically and emotionally, and to encourage communication between different parts of myself. This has helped me to some degree, but I still consider all of these parts to be “me,” so it is only a partial answer. On a vision quest a year ago I learned to commune with other beings in new ways, from plants and animals to the larger whole that Gaia represents to me. I am of Gaia, and with Gaia. By definition I cannot be alone because I am part of the greater being of life on Earth. This feels good to recognize and enact through meditation, hiking, singing, and dancing. Yet, I continue to look for ways to improve my relationships with other humans. I still feel quite alone sometimes!
The statement “dance like nobody is watching,” has long felt incongruous to me. The intention is clearly that I dance like myself, but it also promotes feeling alone. My ongoing desire for human connection has given me a different take. It can be quite uncomfortable to allow myself to be seen, but when I dance like you’re watching I prove that I am not alone. I simultaneously practice dancing like myself. I do so generously: Generosity flows in many directions when we witness each other and show up in our own vulnerability. Still, if I am primarily seeking validation by dancing for you the dance is no longer generous. Generous dancing gives something energetically—in full vulnerability, and with love. It is not about dancing ‘well,’ but rather about being present with intention. I believe this is available to any of us—to dance generously like everyone is watching. We are not alone.
My purpose is to generate meaningful connection with people who care about our shared world through physical freedom and flow. My experience is that we can realize our full potential individually and collectively when we engage with our moving, feeling bodies. I’d like to offer an opportunity for us to do this online together next Wednesday May 31st from 1-2pm MST. I will host a free zoom (video chat) meeting in which we can witness and move with each other. We can practice feeling that we are not alone. Are you interested? Does that scare you, excite you, or interest you? As a generous event, the purpose of this meeting is to support you, so we’ll start gently and you’ll always have the ability to regulate your own participation. Witnessing is itself a form of generosity! To join use the link below, and also please send me an email to let me know you’re interested in being present. The technicalities of this are a bit new to me, but having your email will help me connect you. Also, make sure to download zoom at http://www.zoom.us
Matthew Nelson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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