BraveSpace Focus Group Beta Test (Online)
Facilitating embodied awareness on zoom is both preposterous and necessary. Let’s create the conditions to take the risk of being vulnerable together, online, and consider this journey together.
Sign up HERE.
The BraveSpace Focus group I envision (web page here) includes two in-person modules specifically because bodies learn best in proximity to each other. And yet, online work gives us the possibility of learning together over vast distances and even uniting whole communities. My vision and prayer for BraveSpace, and for the pan-somatic principles that compose its theoretical framework, is that it serve at a grass roots level by bringing people together in many different local communities. The BraveSpace Focus group is to support you to bring your own work forward, facilitating embodied trust from the inside out.
The online beta test will be an opportunity to try this out, on zoom, and find out what’s true about it together. We’ll have time to do some movement meditation, meet each other a bit, do some Q and A, and find out what else is needed.
The sessions are free, and you can come to either or both, but you must sign up in advance to get the link. Sign up HERE.
I’m scheduling these 75 min. sessions for:
Saturday Oct 22nd at 10am MT/ 9am PT, 12pm ET
Wednesday Nov 1st at 6pm MT/5pm PT, 8pm ET