BraveSpace Level 2 Weekend Retreat: Liberation and the Shadow
When we illuminate and love that which lies unseen in ourselves a greater freedom is given. There are simultaneously layers of resistance as the ego discovers that we are not who we think we are. In BraveSpace 2 we will dive below the surface of our consciousness together through movement, allowing the communal space to hold us in our not-knowing so that we may both un-become and re-integrate the unconscious aspects of ourselves. We will further develop our somatic toolset to meet the task: We will stabilize ourselves in connection with the heart center, generating compassion for self and other. We practice moving and speaking at the same time, inviting body and voice to discover each other’s mysteries. We will continue with Somatic Ideation, using somatic and cognitive consciousnesses together. We will dive deeper into the power of witnessing, including moving the stories of others in our own bodies to feel them for ourselves and reflect what may have yet to be seen for others. Throughout, we will utilize the power of touch to listen to and teach our bodies new ways of being. The workshop will also deepen the fundamental practices of consent and consensus that will help you hold BraveSpace for your friends and community.
Friday 9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm, Optional Ecstatic Dance at Asana 7:30-9:30pm
Saturday 10am-1pm, 3-6pm, Dinner and Dancing in the evening
Sunday 10am-1pm, 2:30-4pm
Prerequisite of BraveSpace Level 1, a BraveSpace retreat, or individual work with Matthew equivalent to level 1. Feel free to ask.
To enroll contact Matthew directly at or by phone/text at (208)985-0331
$550 includes dinner together on Saturday evening. Earlybird of $395 until Aug. 23rd, 2022