A body—your body—is a collective.

From cells to tissues to organs and fluids, many parts collaborate to create the whole of you.

Your enteric nervous system—your belly brain—offers a portal for bacteria in your gut to have a strong vote in your emotions.

Your heart generates the most powerful electromagnetic field in your body.

Your consciousness is likely more diverse than just what’s in your head.

Organs move organically.

Fluids flow authentically.

Reflexes fire protectively.

Movement is the intelligence of the body in action.

As seekers we can ask for direction in many ways.  

Observing and participating with one’s body in motion is a method for divining guidance that engages with the entire collective of self.

Personally, engaging with my consciousness from this perspective has been a practical and spiritual growth edge.  A daydreamer as a kid, my parents always pushed me to find my ‘intrinsic motivation’.  What do I really want?  What is the place of curiosity in my engagement with the world?  I study my body as consciousness because I value the authenticity and trust it guides me toward. 

If you’re in Boise the 6 week SomaWorks Seminar on Inner Guidance starting Sept. 3rd. still has a few spots left.  It’ll be an intimate, supportive, guided space for personal research.  Sign up nowto get your spot–it’s intentionally going to be quite small.

I’ll also be offering theSomaWorks Seminar on Inner Guidance via Zoom videoconferencing starting Saturday October 12th so that wherever you are in the world we can explore together.  Sign up here to get your spot—the size will also be limited so we can engage personally with each other.

Questions?  Make a free appointment to chat on the phone.