The connection of movement and awareness is the basis for somatics as a field.  There are so many ways we can generate these connections, and also a great many applications for the consciousness that results.  One metaphor I like a lot is having a volume knob for my own experience.  I find the more I’m capable of turning up the volume—a greater intensity of feeling and moving—the more I can handle when fate throws me something unexpected.  By practicing turning the volume up I am given the ability to turn the volume down to manageable levels when life gets loud.  This has been important for me because overall I’ve a very sensitive and emotional person.  This capability has helped me function physically, emotionally, and spiritually with greater depth and consistency.
Breath, Movement, and Meditation are three fundamental somatic realms; on some level they are THE three.  On Tuesday Mornings from 8:30-9:50am I teach a class where we work with them.  We typically begin with a Wim-Hof-like Tummo breath practice.  That merges into an intuitive movement experience I call ‘moving in sensation’.  I follow that with some standing yoga poses for strength and balance.  We finish in heart centered meditation for 20 minutes.  The class is live at SomaWorks Studio in Boise, and also available online via zoom.  Here’s the events calendar link where you can sign up.  You do not need to sign up if you’re coming to the studio (750 E. Warm Springs Ave, Boise).  You may use the coupon code “11” for flexible pricing online–$11.11 or $22.22 (with no coupon).  Pricing in person is $20 cash or personal venmo.


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