There’s an aspect of personal healing that requires others and serves others.  We are communal beings.  Witnessing and being witnessed is often potent medicine for both parties.  I find that the vulnerability of being seen—the potential to completely embarrass and shame myself—is also a form of humility.  I grow and heal by revealing myself so long as I am not clinging to a particular way of being received, genuinely taking the risk that you will or won’t approve.  This isn’t the same as attempting to confirm disapproval—that’s defiance.  It is also most likely to help me heal and grow when I show up to the collective healing I sense between us.  Often this comes through as play—it need not be ‘serious’ to be healing!

There is a charge for me in sharing experiences where my body responds to conditions without my mind being in control.  The video attached is one such state—moving outside, wearing very little, in the snow.  I was moved by the cold.  Filming it to share was both enlivening and brings about my inner critic.  What is it that’s offered here?  I have so many thoughts, but writing them seems to diminish the power of the movement itself.  The authenticity is not in the words.

Public healing feels to me like something media technologies such as this can support.  The next Body Conversations—a guided low-pressure forum to speak to, from, and about our bodies for an hour on zoom is January 18th.  The experience of the last two has been delightful—there’s been honesty, ease, laughter, and a few tears too.  More info and signup here.


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