Seeking Teachers
Dear Readers-
I am the teacher coordinator this year for Northern California Dance Collective’s (NCDC) Summer Dance Camp. It’s one of my favorite annual dance events, bridging the realms of conscious dance, social dance, and the experimental art of dance in an intimate micro-festival. Of course these aren’t truly different realms, but they do often occupy different sectors of our society. This year’s camp will run from June 12th-21st, and I’d encourage anyone reading this to consider attending.
I’m writing to ask your assistance in gathering your favorite dance and somatic embodiment teachers. Please forward them this application to teach at NCDC. And, many of my favorite teachers are on this list, so I ask you to please consider what you might like to contribute. The turnaround on this is quick—I need your applications by January 5th please! Please write me with any questions.
If you’ve read this far it’s time I share this video I created about NCDC two summers ago. It’s a lot of fun.
Happy Holidays,