Dear ones-

It has been some time since I have been willing to speak.  In the past two years it has been difficult to know what to share.  My views of what is taking place in our world, in our bodies, and in the relationships that define my daily experience do not fit with what I am told I should see by my family of origin, some of my friends, and certainly the mainstream media.  It is easy to become flippant in the face of polarized positions on topics so important as health, equity, and ecology.  I must constantly acknowledge that I know less than I think I do—and that is largely why I’ve stayed quiet.  And now I also see that it is important to speak up.  I learned sometime this year that consensus is not agreement—it is instead an acknowledgement and coalescing of the many voices in the collective.  I am honored to have your eyes on these words, and I aim to speak with humility, integrity, and reverence.  

Our bodies have an intelligence that is too easily ignored in our culture.  We are enamored with our technological endeavors, and they are indeed fantastic.  Yet, most contemporary methods of communication, production, transportation, and healing reliably bypass our bodies’ intrinsic capabilities.  Sometimes we even actively damn them and stand in their way—I see this in the general rejection of natural immunity to you-know-what.  Often we ignore the mysteries and capabilities of our bodies out of fear, easily driven more deeply into distrust of our bodies by collective systems that profit and survive because we disregard the wholeness we already have. 

Listening to the body is not a fix-all; that is also a fantasy.  If you have read my posts over the years you may recognize a theme of death.  None of us is immortal.  Collectively this is a place of incredible discomfort, and I see us giving away our personal power and sovereignty to corporate interests in the hope that technology will save us from death.  Neither technology nor our connection with our own bodies can do this.  Both appear to support life when used consciously.  There are many states of consciousness.  A healing state arises for me once I have acknowledged my fear and have stopped allowing it to lead.  My deepest healing states arise when I allow death and stop attempting to control it.  From that place I can embrace the vitality coming through me, and make conscious choices about my actions, including what I place in my body.  Without this step I find I am acting through my addictions.  That happens too.

So this post is a re-beginning.  I will start to share my journey more freely again.  I will speak for and from the intelligence of my body.  I will name things that may be uncomfortable for me, for you, and for us, in an attempt to go beneath my fears.  I will do my best to let go of attempts to get your approval while simultaneously showing up in service to our shared journey.  I offer this to you out of love and gratitude for being alive.  Thanks for meeting me here.

Matthew Nelson

Prime Mover, SomaWorks