Technique is the how-to; the practicalities of alignment, weight shifts, timing, and overall coordination of the body.  Coming from a professional dance career I learned a lot of dance technique before coming to Ecstatic Dance.  One of the things I love about studying technique is that it increases the range of possibility within my experience of my body.  I have always danced for the experience of dancing–for the feeling of it.  Ecstatic Dance is a wide open palette for improvisation where anything goes.  My experience with technique gives me a lot of options within that freedom.

One technique that is fundamental to so many different styles of dance is the ability to get down, literally.  We bend the knee, hip, and ankle joints to lower the body toward the ground.  If you’re an Ecstatic Dancer and you’re wanting to get more into the feeling of a dance, it’s probably a good time to get down.  Use the technique to give you options.

My friend Kelsey and I are interested in supporting Ecstatic Dancers to go deeper.  If this is you, please write back with topics you’d like us to cover!

If you’re in Boise please join BraveSpace Company for Dance Technique most Monday nights.  Join the text list by texting DANCE to 877-796-1680, and find the events calendar at


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