How can I better tolerate discomfort?

  1. Recognize that it’s part of a phrase.  All phrases have a beginning, a middle, and an end.  I may hold stories about future discomfort, and may fear it.  That’s okay. 
  2. Pause.  I am not likely in control of the cause of my discomfort.  Acting too quickly will not solve the dilemma and will likely make it worse.  Feel what is there to be felt.
  3. Find a source of flow.  For me this is often dancing and sensing my body.  Often I don’t want to, but once I start I typically shift states of consciousness.  Discomfort may even become pleasure.
  4. Recognize that I am a part of a larger living system.  Be in service to the larger consciousness by allowing tension to come through.
  5. Take breaks.  Be compassionate with myself.  Notice my conscious and unconscious attempts to numb myself.  Notice my tendency to complain.
This artwork created for the new TransforMansion Studio by Danielle Fink matches my discomfort.  I absolutely love it.  Thank you @daniellapaints (on instagram).