Event Details


Being in your body is a choice.  This workshop will give you skills you need to be present with your body, and to learn your body’s language.  Your body speaks most readily through movements and sensations.  In this workshop we will use somatic practices—movement and awareness exercises—to connect your mindful intention and curiosity with your bodily experience.

These simple yet effective tools will help you connect with your body when you feel reactive or that your emotions have the better of you.  Emotions are rooted in the body, as are trauma responses such as freezing, running, or fighting.  You and I generally believe we are in control of our bodies, yet the truth is closer to the opposite.  You are not who you ‘think’ you are!  Our bodies, and the patterns of our bodies’ responses, tend to control our thoughts.  Yet, by choosing to move and feel your body these patterns will begin to reveal themselves to you before you unconsciously react.

In this workshop we will consciously support each other to release layers of shame, fear, and guilt.  Our bodies are social.  If you feel ashamed of your body—how you look, how you move, or even what you feel, you are not alone.  Funny that this is often called feeling ‘self-conscious’, and yet that this consciousness is exactly one of being stuck in your head.  Our bodies decide what is and is not okay to do, feel, and be, together.  No matter how much you try to change this on your own, you are unlikely to be able to shift internal self-judgement and shame without practicing in community:  These feelings are strongly influenced by how you relate with others, particularly including the ways you unconsciously cue others to respond to you.  Choosing to do somatic work together, purposefully holding the space for acceptance, magnifies our ability to get out of our heads.  That’s what this workshop is all about.

This workshop will take place in Boise on Friday May 19th from 6:00pm-9:30pm at SomaWorks.  It may be taken by itself and is also intended to be taken with The Go F— Yourself Workshop (Loving Yourself with Your Energy) 12-4pm the next day.  You will need to register independently for each.

The Get Out of Your Head Workshop is offered on a sliding scale of $55-$111.  Use the coupon code “SLIDE” on signup to lower the default of $88, and/or add tip to raise it.  15 spots available.